

lunes, octubre 29, 2012

Far from home...

It's been already two months since I'm away from home... It's not as easy as I thought it would be cause I've struggled with the language, the transportation, the jetlag, the different costumes and so much more... The hardest was the barrier of the communication  cause Im supposed to take of a girl but how was suppossed to do it if I couldnt make myself understand... It took me like three weeks in order to learn the basic phrases to communicate with her. After my first month here I was able to understand people when they talked to me and now Im able to express myself much much better than before :)
Trying not be homesick hasnt been easy... it was worst when I got sick cause I really missed them... I needed someone to take care of me or tell me what to take like my father used to do... It was one hell of a week which I survived.
Being here I have encounter myself again with my first love... JESUS he has been sending people to show me that I'm not alone and that others have gone through similar things like me...
Im so happy that I have met some latin people cause we have similar mentality :)
Like people say: What doesnt kill u... makes u stronger

martes, mayo 29, 2012

May... what a month

I promised to myself that I would write at least once month until everything goes back to normal in my life. This month started with my decision of quitting my job which wasnt as easy as I thought it would be. It was my second home for 8 years. Years filled mainly with happiness,nervousness and also tears. As I was saying goodbye to my second home I found out that there was a family interested in me so now I have my family in France wich I was expecting since December. But that was just the beggining of my month then We had to prepare everything for Santiago`s b-day. Preparing a b-day party aint that easy... Many things have to be done in order to have a perfect party. While I was running here and there preparing the celebration for my nephew I was also learning how to cook and rewriting some of the things for the defense of my project. It was my surprise when one night I decided to look at the school`s blog... well It was just as I left it the last time, no impovemnets and no updates. That`s when I learned not to trust ur so even called best friend. It was irreponsable of her but it was my fault for trusting her. So u could say that I got really stressed plus I had to go the daycare in order for me to go to France.
My dad thereatened not to let me travel to France unless I have my title so It was a hard month x me. The weekend in Laguna Volcan was really helpful for me cause I got to realax and spend time with my family without arguing. I really hope to get my degree and diploma by July.

domingo, abril 08, 2012

Trying to find myself

It`s been awhile since I wrote here but there were so many things going on around me than I just didnt feel like writing anything...
Lately I`ve felt so lost... Ive met people from many countries such as Holland, Canada, Finland, France, Colombia and Brazil. All of them have made me realize that Im not living my life the way I want to cause of my parents. Im 25 but they still treat me as if I was 15... maybe its because Im the last one and they feel like they are losing me... They dont realize that they are hurting me cause they say that I dont respect them whenever I go out too much or arrive too late according to them... Many people cant believe that I have a curfue but I do. They say that as long as I live under their roof I have to follow their rules... I really hope that to find a family soon so I can go to France